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Why traveling solo may well be the best thing a woman can do.

It is liberating, eye-opening and full of exciting surprises.  Look at Cheryl Stayed (author of Wild) or Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love).

A recent study by the tour company “Trafalgar” researched the motivations and patterns of women who travel, aged between 18-100. Unsurprisingly, the findings were very positive: In fact, 73 percent say traveling has made them stronger. I am not surprised at all with this finding.

my experience

I have travelled solo, with family, friends, tours and more.  I know the utter freedom and the at times loneliness of solo travel.  Over time I have gained some skill in navigating these very different forms of travel.

An important aspect of travel of any sort, but particularly solo travel is something called ‘Perceptual Expectancy”. A predisposition to perceive things in a certain way. We view the world in a certainly way because it has worked (or not) for us in the past.  We have our ‘stories”.

This fixed thinking can make it difficult to be curious to new experiences or can make it difficult to come up with solutions. It can impede, not only our day to day problem-solving capacity, but also our travel experiences.  It’s a journey and all need some help in getting the best out of life!

benefits of solo travel

  • Follow your own schedule
  • No need to compromise on itinerary
  • Being single and have the freedom to do what you want
  • It’s a confidence booster
  • You become more adaptable
  • Curiosity becomes your catch phrase
  • You break out of your comfort zone
  • You realise you are braver, more fearless than you realised
  • Travelling solo gives you the space and time for yourself and self-reflection
  • You do not have to ask for permission
  • Going on a tour is a great way to meet new people.

Book Now for a solo travel focused coaching session.

“Adventure is worthwhile.” Aristotle


Mobile: +61 419 656 630
Email: hello@mgtravelcoach.com

PO Box 343
Burleigh Town QLD 4330
Queensland, Australia