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I look forward to helping you reach your travel goals be they for a week, a year or a lifetime. So, let’s embark on this journey together with online coaching sessions that will help you to not only survive, but thrive.

it’s time to dream
free initial consultation

Are you dreaming of a travelling – long or short term, solo or group, digital nomad, sabbatical, luxury or backpacker? Do you want to talk with someone who’s successfully completed more than four Round the World trips to 66 countries?

Perhaps you desire to learn about travelling mindfully with self-compassion or to create new life stories. No matter what age or gender you are, now is the time, let’s chat. I offer a FREE  15-minute consultation for anyone interested in my travel coaching services. In this call you can let me know your dreams and together we can see which program best serves your needs.

travel coaching

“Getting into the Groove – Let’s Plan”


Your experience includes: –

  • Travel Style Assessment
  • Identifying your goals & values
  • Dream setting.
  • Recognising blocks & unhelpful stores
  • Practical information to best suits your travel needs.
  • Email support.

“Mind, Body and Spirit - All set to go!”


This experience includes Package One PLUS: –

  • Handling fears & self-doubt
  • Incorporating Mindfulness, self-compassion into your journey both at home and away.
  • Mapping new stories
  • My “Travel Tips” Resource
  • Receive travel options & ideas/leads/connections
  • Email Support for up to one hour any time before or during your trip.

“It’s more than a walk” - The Camino de Compostela


In this coaching session you will experience: –

  • Guidance can help you identify your “why, what, where and how”.
  • Dream setting.
  • Recognising blocks, your values & your strengths
  • Facing fears and unhelpful stories. Using evidence-based techniques of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion/Self-kindness.
  • My “Travel Tips” Resource
  • In session two, I provide you with tailored researched options & ideas/leads to get you on your Camino journey. Please note these are recommendations based on our first session. This is not a travel itinerary nor travel agency services.
  • Email Support for up to one hour any time before or during your trip.

“It’s not just a vacay!” Travel Sabbatical


Your experience includes elements of packages one, two PLUS: –

  • Dig into the benefits of Sabbaticals.
  • Practical sabbatical nitty gritty.
  • Sabbatical Goals
  • Receive practical information that best suits your travel sabbatical needs.
  • My “Travel Tips” Resource
  • Receive travel options & ideas/leads/connections
  • Email Support for up to one hour any time before or during your trip.



Your experience includes:

  • Understanding Mindfulness
  • Understanding Self-Compassion
  • Finding ease
  • Finding head space using meditative techniques
  • How to stop being so hard on yourself
  • How to motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticism
  • Letting go of resistance
  • How to be your own best teacher
  • Using this practice for everyday life and travel
  • Optional – Receive travel options & ideas/leads/connections.
  • Optional – My “Travel Tips” Resource
  • Email Support for up to one hour any time before or during your trip.

women's solo travel - it's your time!


Your experience includes Package One PLUS:

  • Benefits & challenges.
  • The practical stuff – money, safety, legal, socialising & more
  • My “Travel Tips” Resource
  • Receive travel options & ideas/leads/connections
  • Email Support for up to one hour any time before or during your trip

“You inspire me Monique – I admire how you prioritize your life.  You carve out time to explore possibilities, to play and to see what might grow!”
Carolyn Vogel | Career and Work Coach at Conestoga College

Travel HQ Australia
group sessions & workshops

“Let’s do it! - Inspiration & Travel Hints”

I will share some of my travel stories and we can begin to create your travel dream.

Hints & Tips.

Includes Group work.

1.5-hour workshop.

“Travel Boot Camp – Digging in deep”

Sharing my travel tips and guidance, travel stories. Create your travel dream with a vision boards and planning sessions. Also, a personality/travel style assessment, practical information & how to travel mindfully and an “Intro into travelling and living with self-kindness/self compassion”.

This workshop will include components my coaching packages – “Getting into the Groove – Let’s Plan” and “Mind, Body and Spirit – All set to go!”

“Dare to live the life you’ve always wanted.


Mobile: +61 419 656 630
Email: hello@mgtravelcoach.com

PO Box 343
Burleigh Town QLD 4330
Queensland, Australia